The second volume of the fanzine dedicated to the many different places found within Hallownest—and beyond!


What is a zine/fanzine?
A fanzine is an unofficial collection of art, writing, and/or other fanworks put together to make a "magazine," usually of a certain media, such as for a video game, anime, or cartoon.
What is the theme of this volume of the zine?
This volume of the zine will be focused on the mundane and daily lives of those who reside within the world of Hollow Knight!
Will this zine be physical, or will it be digital only? How much will the zine cost?
This zine will be released purely as a free digital PDF!
What roles can I apply for?
We plan to have both artists and writers featured in the zine, so both roles will be available to apply for! However, please note that you may only be selected for one role.
Can I participate in the zine again if I was a contributor in the last zine?
If you were a contributor in the first volume and are interested in contributing to the second volume, you must apply again through our usual Contributor Applications.
Is there an age requirement in order to apply as a contributor?
We ask that all contributors be at least 16 years old by the end of contributor applications!
What characters are allowed in this volume of the zine?
All canon Hollow Knight characters and original characters will be allowed in the zine! However, human designs (gijinkas) of Hollow Knight characters will NOT be allowed.
How many areas of Hollow Knight will be featured?
We plan to feature every main area found within the game Hollow Knight!


Interest CheckAug 19 - Sept 9
Mod Apps BeginAugust 19
Contributor AppsSept 16 - Oct 16
Result Emails SentOctober 23
1st Check-inNovember 23
2nd Check-inDecember 21
3rd Check-inJanuary 11
Final SubmissionJanuary 25
Publishing DateFebruary 24

• Schedule is subject to change!

Application Guidelines

General Requirements

  • Discord is required for all contributors.

  • Contributors must be at least 16-years-old by the time they are accepted into the zine (~October 23).

  • Applicants can apply for more than one role, but they will only be chosen for one.

  • NSFW and explicit content are NOT allowed! We are aiming for a T rating at most.

  • This zine will feature all of the areas and characters in Hollow Knight. We will not be featuring any of the areas and characters introduced in Silksong.

  • All samples MUST be readily accessible without permission and/or password(s)—the mod team will not reach out to ask.

  • Hollow Knight samples are not mandatory, BUT they are encouraged.

For Page Artists...

  • 3 samples of your best art pieces are required.

  • A portfolio is optional and may include your 3 samples.

  • Artwork of environments, i.e. landscapes, are highly encouraged. Both single-page and spreads are WELCOMED!!

For Writers...

  • 3 samples of your best written pieces are required, and each sample MUST be between 750–1.75k words.

  • Excerpts are allowed, but one sample must be a completed piece!

  • A portfolio is optional and may include your 3 samples.

  • Creative non-fiction pieces (letters, diary entries, articles, etc.) are WELCOMED!!


Head & Writing

Hi everyone, my name is Evie, and I’m the creator of this zine, and also the writing mod! I’m both an artist and a writer, and Hollow Knight is very near and dear to me, and I know it’s also near to many of you, so I’m extremely happy to be able to bring another volume of this zine to you all!

Social Media

hi hi! I'm dianna, a very stressed out kitty cat who spends most of their free time working on 100+ zines at once, sleeping, or listening to osts. I can't wait to be here again for another undoubtedly gorgeous hollow knight zine <33


we are SO back, bugs and friends! it's me, your friendly neighborhood hamster that draws nice things! i hope we have lots of fun in this new volume! yahoo!


Please be nice to me because I will cry. QAQ